Welcome to HOPA’s Advocacy Center. Grassroots advocacy can be one of the most influential tools that organizations and associations have. Through mass emails, letter writing campaigns, and phone calls, grassroots advocates can bring issues to the attention of legislators.

Why Does Advocacy Matter?

Policymakers must have input directly from those affected by a certain issue so they are aware of the needs in their communities and understand fully the ramifications of changes in policy. It is vitally important that you speak up about priority problems and recommended solutions so that you can guarantee that your views are being heard. If you don’t speak up, the result may be that policymakers either will fail to address such concerns or use information and expertise provided to them by others.

HOPA Advocacy Toolkit

HOPA Advocacy Toolkit Video


We understand that you are busy with other important priorities and responsibilities and may not follow Washington too closely… and that’s fine! That is why we created the HOPA Advocacy Toolkit. You will find in it easy to follow tips and resources to get involved, such as:  Issue Briefs, Talking Points, and the  Legislative Action Center which provides a way to regularly contact your legislators regarding issues of importance to hematology/oncology pharmacy and establish yourself as a resource for Members of Congress.

Here are some highlights of the resources found in the HOPA Advocacy Toolkit.

How to Communicate with Policymakers

How to Set up a Meeting with Policymakers

Hosting your Senator or Representative for a visit at your institution is a great opportunity to develop a relationship with them or their staff. It is also one of the most effective methods to demonstrate how policy impacts hematology/oncology pharmacy. Coming soon, a site visit checklist to help you get started. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.


How to Use Social Media for Advocacy

HOPA Offers May Ways to Get Involved in its Public Policy Activities

  • The HOPA Annual Conference presents public policy sessions every year.  The sessions discuss information on current policy issues impacting HOPA as well as education on more specific topics such as how to talk to your Member of Congress.
  • Volunteer to serve on the Public Policy Committee or other relevant work groups.
  • Learn more about all our federal advocacy issues online here.
  • Submit your own story of advocacy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Legislative Action Center

Take action on HOPA's public policy priorities by sending a message to you Member of Congress.

Legislative Action Center.