HOPA is actively working on behalf of the hematology/oncology pharmacists and patients to maintain quality and safety in cancer care.  Following are recent initiatives that HOPA has participated in on the association's behalf: 


HOPA Calls for Appointment of Pharmacy Professionals to Federal COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force

February 17, 2021: The Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA) has joined with 13 other pharmacy organizations to call on the White House to ensure pharmacy professionals are represented in the administration’s newly appointed COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force. The joint letter to Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, Chair of the task force, highlights the pharmacists’ role as medication use experts across diverse populations nationwide.

Read the full statement here.


HOPA Releases 5 Guiding Principles of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration

December 10, 2020: HOPA joins the scientific community and public with enthusiasm on the recent historic Emergency Use Authorization approvals for the Pfizer-BioNTech ​and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine​s. Many challenges and questions remain, but we are hopeful this news represents a positive trajectory for all. The HOPA Public Policy Committee has been discussing many of these issues - the HOPA "Guiding Principles: COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration" statement provides our viewpoint. (Updated December 18, 2020)

Read the full statement here.


Front-line Responders for COVID 19 Patient Care

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to put an enormous strain on our nation’s healthcare system, and many pharmacists have voiced their concerns.

HOPA, along with other major pharmacy organizations, has developed four policy recommendations to empower pharmacists to fully and effectively support the response to COVID-19 and help to ensure patients get the treatment they need.

4 Policy Recommendations

  1. Authorize Test-Treat-Immunize
  2. Ease Operational Barriers to Address Workforce and Workflow Issues
  3. Address Shortages and Continuity of Care
  4. Reimburse for Services and Remove Barriers

Read summary of recommendations.


Pharmacist Reimbursement in Emergency Legislation

HOPA has partnered with ASHP urging the U.S. to immediately expand access to providers and to include “The Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act” in emergency legislation. Read the full letter here.


House Energy and Commerce Committee Call for Changes in 340B Discount Drug Program

Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee released a report that calls for an overhaul of the 340B discount drug program. Although the program has saved 340B hospitals about $6 billion in 2015, some GOP lawmakers have criticized the program due to lack of government oversight. The committee has recommended changes to the program, including defining the program’s purpose and adding reporting requirements for hospitals. Read the full 77-page report here.


Vice President Joe Biden to Launch Cancer Organization


FDA Releases Final Guidance for Industry: Clinical Pharmacology Data to Support a Demonstration of Biosimilarity to a Reference Product.


HOPA Applauds Signing of 21st Century Cures Act


GOP Leaders Issue Letter Cautioning Agencies Not to Finalize Rules. Of interest to HOPA is the Medicare Part B Rule which is still in flux.


President's Cancer Panel Releases Latest Report, Improving Cancer-Related Outcomes with Connected Health