HOPA Oral Chemotherapy Collaborative (OCC)TM

HOPA OCC seeks to optimize the care of individuals who take oral anticancer agents (OAAs) for the treatment of their cancer by:

  1. Incorporating the quality and value of oncology pharmacists in the management of OAAs, particularly within HOPA’s current and future strategic initiatives
  2. Identifying and developing opportunities for the HOPA membership to participate in education, training, and research focused on OAA best practices
  3. Identifying, providing guidance, and promoting OAA best practices within HOPA’s 4 pillars (Education, Advocacy, Research, and Professional Practice)
  4. Fostering and prioritizing collaborative relationships with external organizations to promote best practices or Oral Chemotherapy including education, research, and advocacy


Patient Education

Click on organization links below, to have access to their patient-focused information.
Oral Chemotherapy Education (OCE)
National Community Oncology Dispensing Association, Inc. (NCODA)
Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)
Association of Community Care Centers (ACCC)
Hematology Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA)

Professional Practice

Best Practices for the Management of Oral Oncolytic Therapy: Pharmacy Practice Standard

The HOPA Standards Committee organized a work group of oncology pharmacist specialists to create a pharmacy practice standard for the management of oral oncolytic therapy that describes the pharmacist’s role on the cancer care team, provides examples of practice tools and resources, summarizes current data related to outcomes, and discusses opportunities to enhance the care of patients with cancer who receive oral oncolytic therapy. The standard was published in ASCO’s Journal of Oncology Practice and is available online here.

Oral Chemotherapy Resources

The growing number of oral medications for the treatment of cancer over the past decade has revolutionized oncology care, providing many new options for cancer treatment. HOPA recognizes these new options also create common practice challenges. Oral Chemotherapy Resources (PDF) provides a summary of practice tools, standards, and guidelines that HOPA recommends for use in the management of oral chemotherapy.