HOPA Early-Career Research Grant

The HOPA Early-Career Research Grant (ECR) will provide funding to promising investigators early in their career to encourage and promote quality, basic, and pre-clinical translational lab-based research, although clinical research may also be considered, in hematology/oncology among HOPA members. The purpose of this award is to fund US-based pharmacists within their first 7 years post completion of formal training and have not yet attained R21 level funding. Awarded early career pharmacists will be required to work with a mentor either from their sponsoring institution or to find a mentor from another institution within the United States.

The HOPA Early Career Research Grant will award up to $50,000 to one or two chosen applicants, paid in one installment.

Thank you for your interest in the HOPA Early-Career Research Grant. Applications are now being accepted for the 2023 awards. The deadline for application submission is March 1st, 2023.

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Research Fund Award

The Research Fund Award is intended to support a hematology/oncology pharmacy practice research project with subsequent publication that aligns closely with the HOPA strategic plan to demonstrate the value of hematology/ oncology pharmacy practice. Pharmacy practice is broadly defined to include areas of research such as: clinical or patient outcomes, surveys, patient safety, standards validation, and basic/translational science applications. Multiple institutions may be involved in the project, and a project with co-PIs are allowed. A subsequent publication resulting from the research project is expected within a year of the study completion.

A total of $100,000 is available to be awarded to up to three grants through a competitive peer-review process described below. HOPA aims to fund at least one practice-based and one basic/translational study.

Thank you for your interest in the HOPA Research Fund Award. Applications are now being accepted for the 2022 awards. The deadline for application submission is June 15th, 2022.

The 2022 HOPA Research Fund Grant has already been awarded and the grant is closed until next year.

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