When does funding/project (budget period) begin?

Funding begins on January 1st. Funds will be released to the investigator in their entirety upon Institutional Review Board Approval (if applicable).


May new/junior investigators submit proposals for the HOPA Research Grant?

HOPA welcomes all investigators (junior and senior) to submit proposals for consideration. Junior investigators should highlight in their proposal all available resources/advisors/mentors and specify their expected involvement with the research team. Letter of support from those serving in these roles for junior investigators are strongly encouraged.


What types of research are relevant for applications to this funding mechanism?

The proposal must align closely with the HOPA strategic plan “to optimize the care of individuals affected by cancer.” Such could include pharmacy practice research or clinical research directly involving pharmaceuticals as well as translational pharmaceutical sciences studies which, once completed, may have an immediate impact on practice. Proposals should clearly demonstrate how the project relates to the HOPA Strategic Goals and its expected impact on practice.


For the section titled “Response to Specific Request or Program Announcements or Solicitation”, does a number need to be included to tie this application to the HOPA Research Grant?

A number is not required.


Does the "Project Sites Congressional Districts" section need to be completed?

No, this section is not required to be completed.


Is a biosketch for all Co-investigators required or just the PD/PI?

A biosketch should be included for the PD/PI and all Co-investigators. The biosketch should follow the new formatting guidelines suggested by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm)


Are the following items required?

eRA Commons user names? No, not needed as it is not a federal grant.

Federal-Wide Assurance number? No

Entity identification number? DUNS number? No

Central Contractor Registration (CCR)? No


What information is required in the research project 6-month reports?

Six month project reports typically contain information regarding landmarks that have been achieved in a grant as well as progress towards other landmarks outlined in the grant. For example, it could say IRB approval was attained and accrual has begun, survey data has been gathered and we are beginning analysis, etc. The report is basically letting the funder know what you have completed related to the grant at that time or if you are behind on your timeline, how that will affect the project and project completion. Reports should include information typically tied to the specific aims of the study.


What is the expected timeline for project completion?

Ideally, projects should be feasible for completion within one year including all data acquisition. Minor extensions may be requested, on a case by case basis, by submitting a detailed explanation and current project report to the HOPA Research Committee. All unused funds remaining 24 months after disbursement must be returned to HOPA.


Are there requirements for the grant recipient to provide a presentation of their research results?

Grant recipients are expected to present the results of their research at the Annual HOPA Conference, no later than two years after the release of the research funds. The Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association is to be acknowledged in any presentation for its support of the project.


Are there requirements for the grant recipient to publish the results of their study?

Grant recipients are expected to submit the results of their study for publication, no later than two years after the release of the research funds. The results of the study are to be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed biomedical print or online journal. The Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association is to be acknowledged in any publication for its support of the project.


The proposal states “there is no provision for indirect costs in this research grant. Capital equipment purchases are not allowed in this grant.” Can you explain what indirect costs would entail?

Indirect costs are also known as facilities and administrative (F&A) costs or overhead for most grant programs. Indirect costs are those costs of an institution or organization that are not readily identifiable with a particular project or activity but are necessary to the general operation of the organization and the conduct of its grant activities. Most institutions charge indirects costs or "overhead" to keep the lights on, the building heated and cooled, and other facility issues.


What does direct cost mean for this HOPA grant?

Direct costs are the cost to do the study (no overhead or indirect fees/charges will be covered).


Would the funds be able to go towards labor?

Yes, funds can be applied towards labor.


What does capital equipment cover?

Capital equipment costs are not allowed in this grant. Capital equipment is a movable or fixed unit of furniture or furnishings, instrument, machine and apparatus. Capital equipment is basically any equipment you would need to buy to complete the study such as computers, telescopes, HPLCs, etc.


Do we need to submit information about unrelated research/grant or should we omit this document?

No, information about unrelated research/grant does not need to be submitted.


Do you require the targeted/planned enrollment table to be filled out?

Yes, if the proposed project includes enrollment of participants on a clinical trial then the targeted/planned enrollment table should be filled out.


What should the letters of support from Key Collaborators contain?

Letters of support from Key Collaborators typically provide a statement about supporting the conduct of the project and how they (the person writing the letter) will support the project (i.e. Discuss their role). These letters are particularly important if you intend to use resources which are not covered in the budget of the grant, but are necessary for the completion of the research. In addition, letters of support from cores/shared resource labs/facilities you are using may be helpful to document their expertise and ability to provide you with services in a timely and comprehensive manner.


Should we use the most recent PHS398 forms and the sections outlined?

Yes, you should use the most recent PHS398 forms and sections outlined.


Is IRB approval required by the proposal deadline?

No, there should be evidence that the protocol has been submitted to IRB, but approval is not needed until the protocol is selected for funding, prior to distribution of any funds.


Is budget justification required?

Yes, please ensure that you fill out page 5 of the NIH grant application in addition to the page 4 detailed budget.