HOPA frequently develops and publishes evidence and clinical practice-based tools and resources to help the hematology/oncology pharmacist deliver the best possible cancer care for patients and their families. In collaboration with allied organizations, HOPA is proud to share additional resources that support pharmacists in optimizing cancer care.

Available Tools and Toolkits

USP<800> Compliance Toolkit

The HOPA Tools & Resources Committee developed the following toolkit in an effort to fill the gap of finding non-branded standardized documentation applicable to all pharmacist sites for USP<800> compliance. The toolkit contains the resources necessary to 1) assess if a drug fits NIOSH hazardous drug definitions, and 2) conduct an assessment of risk. The toolkit includes:

Entry-Level Competencies

Members of the Entry-Level Competencies Task Force have compiled a series of resources for our academic members to use in developing the necessary skills and the successful orientation into hematology/oncology pharmacy practice curriculum for graduates of the Doctor of Pharmacy degree and postgraduate year-1 pharmacy practice residents. These resources are designed specifically for Didactic, Experiential, and PGY-1 Residency curriculums.

Quality Initiatives in Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs)

Quality Pharmacists play an important role in helping to build quality programs for patients living with MPNs. Visit MPNQuality.com to watch videos of your peers and download resources to assist in developing quality initiatives in treating patients with MPNs.

ONS Medical Surveillance Questionnaire

Medical surveillance programs are recommended to detect changes in the health status of those working with hazardous drugs. The Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) has developed a sample Medical Surveillance Questionnaire (PDF) that can be adapted to your healthcare setting. HOPA continues to work with ONS and other nursing and professional association representatives to share members’ concerns about safe handling of hazardous drugs, and are partnering to encourage safety in health care. 

Time to Talk CINV™ Toolkit

HOPA and Eisai have joined together to raise awareness about the impact of CINV, and to encourage and improve conversations about this treatment-related side effect between patients and their healthcare team. Find out more about the Time to Talk CINV toolkit. 

Advance Practitioner Certificate Programs

There are three certificate programs available for advanced practitioners in oncology through ASCO University. Each of the three programs is tailored to the educational needs of the advanced practitioner at specific points in their learning, and comprised of 10 courses each. Topics include supportive care, common anticancer therapies, pain management, immuno-oncology, and more. HOPA members receive a 20 percent discount on these programs. Learn more at ASCO University.

AMCP Biosimilars Resource Center

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) offers the Biosimilars Resource Center – an unbiased, policy-neutral center for educational resources and information on biosimilars for pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers. The Biosimilar Resource Center is frequently updated with a variety of FAQs, whitepapers, webinars, CE programs, and journal articles.

MASCC Assessment Tools

The Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer has created Assessment Tools for the following: Antiemesis, Oral Agent Teaching, and EGFR Inhibitor Skin Toxicity.